Creating C++ predicates with higher order functions and functors
Let’s say we have a collection of numbers, and we want to find out if any of the numbers is equal to 3. One might do:
bool found = false; for(int x : numbers) { if (x == 3) { found = true; break; } } // interpretation of intent: for each number x in numbers, if x == 3, then found = true Easy, that works. But a seasoned C++ developer will be quick to remind you to prefer standard algorithms, rather than reinventing the wheel. Read more
Doxygen Cargo Cult
Stop writing comments that duplicate the actual code, stop stating the obvious.
For any practice, we need to understand why we are doing it and recognize that there is a value in doing it. If we follow a practice without understanding it, we may not be getting the intended value out of it.
Some developers seem to think it is essential to document every class or function with a comment, which can look like this: Read more
High-Quality Code
How do you define high-quality code?
Someone asked me this question recently. Without thinking too much about it, and under the pressure to reply before awkward silence kicks in, I answered the first things that came to my mind:
Code that is well tested, not strictly by having a lot of coverage but also by having readable and maintainable tests. Not by being tested once, but repeatably and automatically. Code that follows the SOLID principles I was alluding that I believe the characteristics of high-quality code are that it behaves as expected, is easy to read, maintain, extend. Read more
Scrum: Estimating story points
Story points are used to estimate user stories, this is useful because then we can plan an expected amount of user stories we can complete inside the next sprint. Although this is correct, there is more to it. Some time ago someone in my team proposed to estimate stories in days instead of story points, in this post I will explain why I think this is a bad idea, and why sizing userstories can have more benefits than being an aid to sprint planning. Read more